About Us.
Our Mission
Our mission is to create a brighter, healthier future for all. We empower communities through education, promoting health and wellness, ensuring access to clean water and a sustainable environment, and fostering economic opportunities. At Mumoni Care Foundation, we are dedicated to transforming lives and building resilience, one community at a time.
Our Programs
The Foundation operates within four main programs, which are also our areas of charity work.
✨Health and Wellness: The priority groups under this program are children and women. Children First is our current project under the program. We seek to build safe playgrounds for children, establish nutrition programs in schools, and promote the counseling departments of elementary and middle schools
✨Education and Training: We seek to offer merit-based scholarships to needy students. We also aim to train youth and adults for capacity building in priority areas.
✨Community Infrastructure: We aim to invest in amenities such as school, hospitals, and farming infrastructures, as well as green community spaces
✨Economic Empowerment: Economic empowerment is weaved into each of our other programs. We believe in communal success through investment in individuals and in the community as a whole. We aim to establish a kitty for funding innovative ideas, digital literacy, and small business that solve immediate community problems.
Our Directors
Mumoni Care Foundation Leadership is through a board that is made up of three directors. The board tirelessly works to feed and sustain the foundation’s three core values: compassion, professionalism, and accountability.
When we lift others, we rise together, growing stronger with every hand we extend.
— Peter Muthui, Founder and Board Director —

Every journey, no matter how long, begins with a single step, but it’s the courage to keep stepping that truly carries you forward.
— Ruth Mawia, Board Member—
Discover the best in the world around you, and let it guide your growth.
— Ezekiel Mumo, Board Member—

Patience nurtures the finest outcomes; what takes time to grow yields the richest rewards.
—Elizabeth Kamene, Board Member—
Get in Touch
Email: info@mumonicarefoundation.org
Phone: +1 (253) 433-6351
Address: 9820 24TH Ave Ct S, Tacoma, Wa, 98044
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